Josephine Waweru

Josephine Waweru

Josephine is 52 years old, married and has four children. She is living on a farm located in Sagana of approximately three acres. Her main source of livelihood is farming and she supplements this with knitting. 

Since buying SunCulture’s solution in September 2019, she reports that the primary benefits of the RainMaker2 pump include time saved and the ability to grow many more crops. She feels more confident about her coffee yields, noting that before purchasing the pump, she was stressed about her coffee yields, but that now “she is in a good place”. She has also introduced fish farming and expanded her crop range with potatoes, capsicum and planted additional coffee plants after purchasing the pump. 


The shift from a diesel pump to the solar-powered pump saves her an approximate 10,000 KES per month. These realized savings has enabled her to diversify into fish farming and to plant additional coffee bushes.

“I was visiting my friend and he had the SunCulture pump, and I imagined if only it were mine. Since I got the pump, it has changed my life because I used to hire petrol pumps to pump water from the river. Now that I have the pump, I can pump from my own borehole and it has made things easier and it is saving me time. I think it’s the best thing that’s ever happened since I started farming.” 

“I had my doubts. I thought this pump couldn’t be real. But when I visited my friend [with a SunCulture pump], my doubts were cleared… This is something that will change your life like it changed mine.” 

